Saturday, 24 March 2012

Evaluation activity 4

4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

Like - shopping, pay day!!
Dislike - work, school
Shop - river island, hollister, primark, tesco
Music - classical, R&B, hip hop, holiday
Clothes - fashionable, stylish
Occupation - student, McDonalds, market research assistant
Money - £4.35, £9.30 an hour
Status - middle class
Other films - the polar express, bridesmaids, the hangover

Like - food, technology, football
Dislike - work, school
Shop - branded, topshop
Music - hip hop, R&B
Clothes - fashionable, stylish
Occupation - student, shop assistant
Money - £8, £7 an hour
Status - middle class
Other films - cool runnings, the ringer, the hangover


Our target audience is males and females aged 15 - 30. Our film is targeted at middle class citizens (E - C2) with an earning of around £5 an hour, or if unemployed an allowance of at least £10 a week. It is a "British film" so our targeted geographical location would be central and eastern England (including major cities such as Birmingham and London).


It is a well known fact that most teenagers love socialising, particularly at the cinema. This is great for film makers with a target audience of teenagers because providing you can get 'word of mouth' about your film, your target audience should watch it at the cinema.
Horror / thriller films such as the 'Scream' series are so effective because they are realistic. There is a very large possibility that their storyline could be a reality, this creates a terrifying atmosphere for the audience, and this is an element we wanted to 'bring to the table' in our film, for our targeted audience.


I gave a group of peopole a questionnaire (asking for yes or no answers, with a section included for comments) ...

1) Do you think that the style of writing (font and colour) are suitable for a horror opening?
2) Did you think that the use of candlelight in the title sequence was appropriate for a horror film?
3) Did you think that the music used was effective (ie. different tracks and the levels of sound)
4) Did you think the music was placed correctly in relation to the action?
5) Do you feel that the range of shots used were effective?

The results I gained included;

1) Yes, the type of font you used is commonly used in horror films
2) Yes
3) Yes, but to improve, could add 'creepy' music to cover silence when she walks up stairs and could be used in the background when she is on the phone.
4) Yes
5) Yes, I really liked that you showed her feet as she ran off and not her body, it had more of an effect.

And as a result of this, I added music into the 'stairs' section, and also when she is on the phone, and I believe that as a result of this my horror opening is creepier and generally more effective.

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